Sending Pictures via Text on the iPhone

Even though the iPhone is an amazing piece of electronic equipment, not having the capabilities for sending MMS text messages is a major turn-off for so many potential customers and current ones as well. However, what if you were to find out that there was a way to get around this road block, and still send pictures of that funny looking dog to all your friends?

Using your iPhone Overseas

If you are a business professional, than you use your iPhone for more than simply keeping in touch with your friends and family, in many cases your iPhone is your link to the business world. Whether you are keeping track of your stocks, checking your e-mail or conducting conference calls while on your way to a business meeting, your iPhone is literally your key to keeping connected with your professional life.

The iPhone is Exploring the Deep

With all the capabilities of the iPhone, DOER Marine uses it to help them build and design subsea vehicles. The amount of communication that goes on between the designers, techs, and engineers is tremendous. The iPhone streamlines all of that with the built-in camera, email, text, and phone all in one simple to use device.  …