We adapt ourselves to the ever evolving technology. Technology has multifold benefits in our daily lives. What draws us to these technological upgradations? Is it the ease of life or a fad….?
Aren’t most of us eagerly waiting for the launch of Nokia 920 or excited to buy IPhone 5 or eager to upgrade the anti-virus software in our laptops.
Let me share a secret with you today. A secret which is closely related to “technology†. How many passwords do you have? Multiple right? Let me tell you a secret which will become your password for “life management†.
So are you ready for the secret to be revealed?
Have you ever wondered if you had a delete button which could delete all the negativity and bad memories of your life? An invisible button which you could access anytime anywhere?
Sitting for 10 minutes silence everyday can burn past impressions of our mind and make our memory bank fresh. Just like we have refresh button on our keyboards, meditation has the power to refresh our brain and delete useless data for a clutter free space. Meditation leads to emotional stability, anxiety decrease, anger reduce, happiness increase, intuition development, clarity and peace of mind.
We all have mastered the tools of communication like mobiles, face time, Skype, video conferencing. Meditation is the subtlest tool of communication with our inner self. When in deep meditation we can explore the secrets of the inner world and get answers to all our questions. When the mind is rested it expands and solutions are easily available. Meditation brings harmony in creation, personal transformation, and realization of SELF.
We feel rejuvenated through social networking with our friends on Facebook and twitter. Regular practitioners of meditation have a pleasant presence which wins them friends in real life. Meditation has the power of making us relaxed and appealing to others. The relationships nurtured in real life get more satisfaction than only virtual world friends. The effects of meditation include happiness, respect for the environment and others, appreciation of diversity in nature,and a strong sense of social values.
Meditation is the pause button of life which enables us to be the observer rather than the doer. This pause is essential in our fast paced lives as we often get off track and stressed. During these voluntary pauses of meditation our blood pressure lowers, immune system improves, body vitality increases, insomnia gets controlled. Meditation develops happiness, contentment and calmness.
Meditation is the anti-virus which should be used every day to cool down our nerves and start fresh with zest and zeal to discover our hidden potential. When the mind is bombarded with too many thoughts and confusion clouds the mind, meditation can be used like an anti-virus to free the mind of these problems.
Thus Meditation is also a technology of being in the centre and living the present moment. When the mind settles down, it lets go of all tension, making one healthy and focussed. Meditation is the answer to all our modern age problems. Meditation can make you calm, enthusiastic and smile like a child. Initially one can start with guided meditation tapes and then learn proper meditation techniques from a Master.