iPhone Envy: T-Mobile Customers Might Want AT&T Merger

The anticipation is over: We know what’s coming in the iPhone 4S and iOS 5, and what isn’t, at least for the next several months. one of the more noticeable things missing is support for the number four U.S. mobile carrier, T-Mobile. It’s clear why even this World Phone (it supports GSM and CDMA) won’t …

Bugs and Fixes: Apple Patches Safari and iOS Holes, Skype Blocks XSS Hole

What’s new in the land of secuirty fixes? over the last couple weeks, Apple released a fix to iOS, Google updated Chrome, and Skype patched a nasty server-side bug. Read on to get caught up on the latest patches. Similar Articles: If you own an Apple product, you’ll want to make sure you’re up to …